隐藏在圣克里斯多山的山脚下,圣. 圣达菲约翰学院排名第七,海拔300英尺,占地250英亩位于圣达菲最美丽的地方, 新墨西哥, 这个国家最古老的首都. 四周环绕着远足小径和雄伟的风景, 圣达菲校区将落基山生活带到我们的家门口. We are also a high desert community 和 are therefore acutely aware of how precious our desert resources are 和 we use them with great efficiency 和 care. 我们通过长期的节水来做到这一点, 绿色建筑, 旱地永续农业的实践, 通过我们的几百万美元, 捐助者资助的太阳能项目将于2023年启动.
Solar deployment is one part of the college’s commitment to investing in a sustainable campus. 1,670 panels are connected to the power grid through an inverter that allows them to co-operate with PNM (Public Service of 新墨西哥). 在晴朗的日子里, the panels supply over 100% of the college’s needs 和 provide excess energy to the grid. 然后电力被送回澳门金沙网赌登陆在晚上和阴天的时候,实际上是把PNM当作一个巨大的电池.
- 太阳能系统尺寸:直流677千瓦或交流544千瓦
- 第一年预计年发电量:1210499千瓦/小时(kW/h)
- GHG Reduction: Equivalent to reduction of 858 Metric Tons of Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
- Additionally there are twenty electric vehicle-charging stations in four parking lots.
This project was made possible thanks to a gift from the Class of 2019 for a campus-wide energy audit that paved the way, 随后,一位匿名捐赠者资助了安装费用.
通过这个项目,学院减少了858公吨的二氧化碳排放量. 这相当于:
- 96,530加仑汽油
- 167户家庭一年的用电量
- 104,352,291次智能手机充电
The college also replaced 100% of its lighting with light-emitting diode (LED) technology. 除了, 学院更新了埃文斯科学实验室的电气系统, 普利兹克学生中心, 圣达菲大厅, 和美术大楼(FAB), 它还在FAB安装了高效锅炉, 魏盖尔大厅, 和Meem图书馆. 这些努力每年可节省超过358英镑的电费,000千瓦/小时,节省55美元,000元/年. The college’s commitment to energy conservation 和 solar power therefore saves over $100,每年000.
电动车队 & 充电站
我们的电动车队 & 充电站帮助我们的社区减少碳足迹.
By 2027, 校园将转为全电动车队, which will garner its power from our electric charging stations—which will garner their power from our solar roofs. 我们在校园里有20个汽车充电站.
Built in the 新墨西哥 desert, our 圣达菲 campus has long led on water conservation.
当普利兹克学生中心, 韦格尔大厅, 和Winiarski大厅建成, they were created with rain 和 snow catchment systems leading into underground cisterns which have a collective storage capacity of 23,000加仑水. 从这里, pumps pull water back up into highly efficient drip irrigation systems that feed the desert xeriscaping around Fishpond Hill, 在美术大楼和莱文大厅之间, 在美术大楼和普利兹克学生中心之间, 以及Winiarski大楼周围.
展望未来, the renovation of 普利兹克学生中心 will add new water harvesting opportunities that will significantly exp和 our water 和 snow catchment capacity 和 the reach of our permaculture practices. 目标还包括水的集水和再利用, 学生活动中心, 和Meem图书馆.
Permaculture is an agricultural practice that aims to grow an agricultural ecosystem in a sustainable way.
在圣. 圣达菲的约翰学院, 我们实行旱地永续农业, 一种适合沙漠环境的永续农业. 我们的永续栽培设计参数包括以下标准:
- 有意识的植物选择: Utilizing native 和 adapted drought tolerant species will allow for the l和scape to thrive even in the high desert climate. Species of plants that have adapted to dry ecosystems use a variety of measures to conserve water, therefore providing a more sustainable 和 aesthetically pleasing l和scape that st和s the test of time.
- 集水通过被动集水技术, 我们将能够确保降水不会离开种植地点, 如果是这样的话, 然后将其输送或收获到其他有用的地方. Keeping rainwater on site will help decrease the need for supplemental irrigation over time.
- 造土技术: We will ensure that we begin the soil building process for each new entrance immediately. 高原沙漠的原生土壤极其脆弱,营养贫乏, 它们不会自然渗透或保持水分. 没有健康的土壤生物,植物就不可能健康. 植物生存所需的所有水分和营养物质, 却独自在沙漠中茁壮成长, come from moisture 和 a soil biology that is constantly releasing water soluble nutrients. Soils cannot hold moisture 和 foster life unless there is organic matter 和 mulch to help mitigate the effects of high temperature, 太阳和风的蒸发.
- 高效的灌溉: All updated irrigation systems will provide accurately proportioned water to specific species of new plantings via drip emitters. Equal pressure distribution along each individual zone is critical for equal water distribution 和 performance of emitters to produce their individually specified gallons per hour.
The 圣达菲 campus’s composting program eliminates many pounds of food waste per year.
Sage餐饮是学院的餐饮服务提供商. 每一天, Sage collects the college’s green food waste (no meat or animal byproducts) for pick-up by Reunity资源, 当地可再生社区农场和土壤/堆肥场, 将烹饪过程中产生的厨余垃圾堆肥. 作为unity 资源的合作伙伴, the college contributes to a thriving community nonprofit providing fresh produce to the needy, 夏令营, 以及专业培训. Plans are currently underway to extend this initiative by partnering with student clubs 和 other members of the campus community. 这个项目每年将许多磅的食物垃圾制成堆肥.
在回收方面,澳门金沙网赌登陆的 community recycles about 25% of its non-food waste 和 strives for higher rates. 校园里所有的主要建筑里都有回收箱. Dormitories have recycling bins if 和 when a Resident Assistant agrees to take responsibility for overseeing the bins.
首字母缩略词LEED代表能源和环境设计的领导力, 标志着世界上应用最广泛的绿色建筑等级体系.
The 圣达菲 campus currently has two LEED-certified buildings: Winiarski is a Platinum-certified building, which is the highest-level LEED certification that a building can be awarded; Levan Hall is a Gold-certified building, which is the second highest-level LEED certification that a building can be awarded.
温室俱乐部由澳门金沙网赌登陆的 College sphere who wish to engage in activities related to environmentalism, 政治行动, 以及当地生态系统的教育, 持续的气候危机, 以及与园艺相关的技能. Our vision is to create a community at SJC committed to strengthening our connection with 自然世界, 突出了我们与当地植物的复杂联系, 和动物, 并教育其他人了解正在发生的气候危机.
- E探索人与自然的联系.
- Nourishing our souls, bodies, 和 minds through an intimate relationship with the local ecosystem.
- Teaching others about the preservation of native life 和 its importance in fighting the climate crisis.
- S通过采用不受干扰的内在生活方式来创造未来, 除…之外, 自然世界.
Our local partnerships provide our community 和 visitors alike with opportunities to experience 自然世界.
每年, the Master Gardeners of 圣达菲县 bring their Native Plants class to study the many mature plant specimens on our campus. 通过新墨西哥州立大学的资助, many of these specimens have identification labels that correspond with a map for self-guided tours of our campus plant species. 在未来,我们可能会把它发展成一个数字徒步旅行.
该学院还与圣达菲市合作, 圣达菲县, 和 the Forest Service 和 volunteers to maintain multiple trails that begin on our campus. 每天有100多名游客使用这些小径.